Scrollster for Instagram
Scrollster for instagram is the best way to showcase instagram photos in a beautiful, full-screen, responsive scrolling gallery. Scrollster for instagram is a standalone webapp you can run it from your desktop or from a server.
Scrollster for instagram is very customizable: You choose what images to display, how many, how large, comments, likes, you name it! And customization is a snap.
Download Scrollster for Instagram
Navigate to the assets/js
folder open the scrollster.js
file and enter your
clientID on line 1.
Simply open in your browser and Scrollster will display the most popular images on instagram. Click on the hashtag to enter full-screen mode.
There are two ways to customize the output of Scrollster, the first is with the URL query string and the second is by editing scrollster.js
Query String
There are a number of options that you can use to customize the display of Scrollster using the query string.
- tag: You can use
to show a specific tag from instagram. If no tag is provided, images from the "popular page" are displayed. You don't need to add "#" at the beginning, just the name of the tag. [default: null] - images: You can use
to set how many images to fetch (maximum 60). [default: 60] - size: You can use
to select which size image to fetch from instagram. Available sizes are: small, medium, and large. [default: large] - speed: you can use
to control the speed in seconds the page takes to scroll from top to bottom and vice versa. [default: 90] - pause: You can use
to control the time in seconds the scroll pauses at the top and bottom of the screen. [default: 10] - reload: You can use
to control the time in minutes Scrollster waits to get new images from instagram. [default 60] - sort: You can use
to control the order in which the images are sorted on the page. Available sort options are: none, most-recent, least-recent, most-liked, least-liked, most-commented, least-commented, and random. [default: none] - author: You can use
to display the username of the person who posted the picture. [default: null] - caption: You can use
to display the caption that was originally posted with the image (including hashtags) [default: null] - comments: You can use
to display the comment count on the image. [default: null] - likes: You can use
to display the number of likes on an image. [default: null] - link: You can use
so that clicking the image will take the user to the image post on instagram. [default: null] - background: You can use
to change the default background color. If you use hex or rgb be sure to encode the URL. [default: null] - color: You can use
to change the default font color. If you use hex or rgb be sure to encode the URL (# is %23). [default: null] - clientid: You can use
to provide or override a clientID inserted in scrollster.js. [default: null]
Most of the variables that control the output of Scrollster are in the
object. Simply change the default values that you want. If you
don't want users to be able to modify the output with the query string then at
the top of scrollster.js set enableQuery = false;
and only the settings from
the js file will be used.
: Display 60 large images all tagged "spring"
with the username displayed, slowly scrolling up and down.
: Display a small grid
that doesn't scroll of the most popular images on instagram that refreshes every
5 minutes, sorted by likes and you can click to see the original on instagram.
: See who's throwing back and what they
have to say about it.
Scrollster is built using a combination of open source and proprietary code. The individual licenses for each open source component can be found in the LICENSE folder.
Scrollster for instagram is copyright 2015 Danny Wahl, all rights reserved except where specified in the LICENSE file.
- Freewall | © Minh Nguyen | MIT License
- HTML 5 Boilerplate | © HTML 5 Boilerplate | MIT License
- Instafeed.js | © Steven Schobert | MIT License
- jQuery | © jQuery Foundation and other contributors | MIT License
- Modernizr | © Faruk Ateş | MIT License
- Normalize.css | © Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal | MIT License
- Screenfull.js | © Sindre Sorhus | MIT License
- 1.2
- Minimized logo
- Removed extra CSS selectors
- 1.1
- Fix scroll/pause timing: Now runs as soon as the page is loaded
- Fix reference to
- 1.0
- Initial release